Randall Fay TollefsonAge: 63 years1946–2010
- Name
- Randall Fay Tollefson
- Given names
- Randall Fay
- Surname
- Tollefson
Birth | October 16, 1946 |
Death | September 23, 2010 (Age 63 years) |
Note | Randall F. Tollefson, age 63, of Mitchell died Thursday, September 23, 2010 at the Dougherty Hospice House in Sioux Falls after an eight year battle with pancreatic cancer. Funeral services will be at 11:00 AM, Tuesday, September 28 at Resurrection Lutheran Church in Mitchell with burial at the Mt. Vernon Cemetery. Visitation will be from 6 to 8 PM Monday at Resurrection Lutheran Church with a prayer service beginning at 7:30 PM.
Randy was born on October 16, 1946 in Mitchell to Lyle and Dorene (Adams) Tollefson. He grew up in Mt. Vernon, attended and graduated from Mt. Vernon High School. On June 18, 1967 he married Mary Lou Moke at St. John’s Lutheran Church in rural Dimock and they made their home in Mitchell. He was employed by the Milwaukee and Northwestern Railroads for 18 years, the S.D. Dept. of Transportation for 26 years and due to ill health retired June 8, 2010. He was a charter member of Resurrection Lutheran Church, past president of the SD Dept. AFLCIO, a Boy Scout leader for 15 years, and taught Sunday school for 15 years. He was an avid Miami Dolphins fan, enjoyed camping, farming, coin collecting, and spending time with his grandchildren.
He is survived by his wife and three children: Kevin (Camille) Tollefson, Sioux Falls; Jaylon (Amanda) Tollefson, and Byron (Carrie) Tollefson of Mt. Vernon; 11 grandchildren, his mother Dorene of Mitchell; 4 brothers: Darrell (DeeDee), Sioux Falls; Garry (Sally) Mt. Vernon; Herb Sr.(fiancé Kathy), Sioux Falls; Gene (Kathy), Parkston; 3 sisters: Gloria (Mel) Tuffs, Mt. Vernon; Martha Hanson, Sioux Falls; Dorene (Richard) Polz, Jackson, MN.
He was preceded in death by his father Lyle, father and mother-in-law, Walter and Eileen Moke and a brother-in-law, Jim Hanson, 2 nephews: Herb Tollefson Jr. and Michael Polz. |
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