Tollef Lindem Tollefson


Shared note
DESIGN. V. E. TOLLEFSON. AUTOMOBILE HORN. APPLICATION FILED JAN.16 1913. . Patented Apr. 1 1913. D0043806 kuIAI 'ck.a a COLUMBIA CLANOGBA.1 CO.. WASNINGTON C. r UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE. VICTOR E. TOLLEFSON OF ELK POINT SOUTH DAKOTA. DESIGN FOR AN AUTOMOBILEHORN. . Specification for Design. Patented Apr. . Application filed January 16 1913. Serial No. . Term of patent 7 years. To all whom it may concern: Be it known that I VICTOR E. TOLLEFSON a citizen of the United States residing at Elk Point in the county of Union and State of South Dakota have invented a new original and ornamental Design for an AutomobileHorn of which the following is a specification reference being had to the accompanying drawing forming part thereof. The figure is a side elevation of an automobile horn showing my new design. I claim:— . The ornamental design for an automobile horn as shown. VICTOR E. TOLLEFSON. WTitnesses : R. W. Elm's O. J. SRFRTEN.
Last change May 10, 200612:12:49

by: Chris Tollefson
Given names Surname Sosa Birth Place Death Age Place Last change
Victor Edward Tollefson
September 21, 1884140Brule Township, South Dakota, USA0December 30, 19725188Minneapolis, Hennepin, Minnesota, USAMarch 24, 2009 - 8:07:42 a.m.